Institute of Phonetics Library
Místnost č. 13
2012 (doc.) – Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, General Linguistics
2008 (Ph.D.) – Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Phonetics
2002 (Mgr.) – Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Education, English Language and Literature – German Language
since 2002 Institute of Phonetics, Faculty of Arts
2012 – 2015 Metropolitan University Prague (Department of Anglophone Studies)
2007 – 2011 Economia, a.s., Editor-in-Chief of the Business Spotlight magazine
My principal interests include two areas lying between phonetics and other sciences. First, it is examining various aspects related to foreign accents, mostly to Czech English. Apart from determining what actually constitutes Czech English and what are its phonetic properties, I focus on the effect of presence of specific pronunciation features on the evaluation of the speaker by listeners in communication. I am also interested in teaching the pronunciation of English, particularly its prosodic properties. The second area of my interest concerns ways of identifying the speaker from the speech signal (forensic phonetics), especially in relation to voice disguise. Apart from these areas, I also investigate acoustic properties of Czech, especially its prosodic characteristics.
I was Editor-in-Chief of the Studies in Applied Linguistics journal between 2020 and 2022.
I am currently Editor of the International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law.
since 2022 head of the Evaluation Committee of the Faculty of Arts
since 2017 member of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Arts
2018-2022 coordinator of the Faculty of Arts for the evaluation of science
2014-2016 member of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Arts, of the Legislation Commitee and the Science Committee
2012-2014 Vice-Dean for Admission and Continuing Education
2010-2012 member of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Arts and the Science Committee
International Phonetic Association (IPA)
International Speech Communication Association (ISCA)
International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics (IAFPA)
Center for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics (CFPA)
Advisory council of the Justice Minister for the methodology of forensic science
Volín, J., Šturm, P., Skarnitzl, R., & Bořil, T. (2024). Prosodic phrase in spoken Czech. Karolinum.
Volín, J., Antolík, T. K., Skarnitzl, R., & Šturm, P. (2022). Vowel accentedness in the light of internal and external competence assessment. In: Sardegna, V. G., & Jarosz, A. (Eds), Theoretical and practical developments in English speech assessment, research, and training. Springer.
Vonzová, V. & Skarnitzl, R. (2021). Integrating prosodic features in a children’s English course. In: Kirkova-Naskova, A., Henderson, A. & Fouz-González, J. (Eds.), English Pronunciation Instruction: Research-based insights, 306–326. John Benjamins.
Paillereau, N. & Skarnitzl, R. (2020). An acoustic-perceptual study on Czech monophthongs. In: Radeva-Bork, T. & Kosta, P. (Eds.), Current Developments in Slavic Linguistics. Twenty Years After, 453–465. Berlin: Peter Lang.
Volín, J. & Skarnitzl, R. (2018). Segmentální plán češtiny. Praha: Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy. [The Segmental Plan of Czech]
Skarnitzl, R. & Volín, J. (2018). Fonetický aspekt verbální komunikace. In: Neubauer, K. a kol., Kompendium klinické logopedie, 122–169. Praha: Portál. [The phonetic aspect of verbal communication]
Volín, J. & Skarnitzl, R. (Eds.) (2018). The Pronunciation of English by Speakers of Other Languages. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Volín, J., Skarnitzl, R. & Henderson, A. (2018). Perceptual impact of foreign-accented speech. In: Volín, J. & Skarnitzl, R. (Eds.), The Pronunciation of English by Speakers of Other Languages, 73–94. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Skarnitzl, R., Šturm, P. & Volín, J. (2016). Zvuková báze řečové komunikace: Fonetický a fonologický popis řeči. Praha: Karolinum. [The Sound Base of Speech Communication: Phonetic and Phonological Description of Speech]
Niebuhr, O. & Skarnitzl, R. (Eds.) (2015). Tackling the Complexity in Speech. Praha: Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague.
Niebuhr, O. & Skarnitzl, R. (2015). The door frame structure of speech sciences. In: Niebuhr, O. & Skarnitzl, R. (Eds.), Tackling the Complexity in Speech, 9–23. Praha: Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague. pdf
Skarnitzl, R., Vaňková, J. & Bořil, T. (2015). Optimizing the extraction of vowel formants. In: Niebuhr, O. & Skarnitzl, R. (Eds.), Tackling the Complexity in Speech, 165–182. Praha: Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague.
Skarnitzl, R. (Ed.) (2014). Fonetická identifikace mluvčího. Praha: Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague. [Phonetic Speaker Identification]
Skarnitzl, R. (2014). Forenzní fonetika. In: Skarnitzl, R. (Ed.), Fonetická identifikace mluvčího, 11–20. Praha: Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague. [Forensic phonetics]
Skarnitzl, R., Lazárková, D., Nechanský, T. & Šturm, P. (2014). Vokalické formanty. In: Skarnitzl, R. (Ed.), Fonetická identifikace mluvčího, 21–48. Praha: Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague. [Vowel formants]
Skarnitzl, R. & Hývlová, D. (2014). Statistický popis hodnot základní frekvence. In: Skarnitzl, R. (Ed.), Fonetická identifikace mluvčího, 49–64. Praha: Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague. [Statistical description of fundamental frequency values]
Skarnitzl, R. (2011). Znělostní kontrast nejen v češtině. Praha: Epocha. [Voicing Contrast Not Only in Czech]
Machač, P. & Skarnitzl, R. (2009). Principles of Phonetic Segmentation. Praha: Epocha. (Czech version: Fonetická segmentace hlásek)
Nechanský, T., Houzar, A., Bořil, T., & Skarnitzl, R. (2024). Controlled voice quality modifications: Acoustic, perceptual and ASR analysis. International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law, 31(1), 49–76.
Bureš, Z., Profant, O., Sommerhalder, N., Skarnitzl, R., Fuksa, J., & Meyer, M. (2024). Speech intelligibility and its relation to auditory temporal processing in Czech and Swiss German subjects with and without tinnitus. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 281, 1589–1595.
Skarnitzl, R., & Rálišová, D. (2023). Phonetic variation of Irish English /t/ in the syllabic coda. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 53(3), 728–747. accompanying webpage with sound examples
Skarnitzl, R. (2022). O fonetické identifikaci mluvčího ve forenzním kontextu. Naše řeč, 105(3), 117–132. accompanying webpage
Skarnitzl, R., & Hledíková, H. (2022). Prosodic phrasing of good speakers in English and Czech. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 857647. pdf
Henderson, A. J., & Skarnitzl, R. (2022). “A better me”: Using acoustically modified learner voices as models. Language Learning & Technology, 26(1), 1–21. pdf
Obstová, Z., Šturm, P., Skarnitzl, R., Čermák, P., & Hricsina, J. (2022). Ráz ve španělštině, italštině a portugalštině českých mluvčích. Časopis pro moderní filologii, 104(2), 159–176. pdf
Skarnitzl, R., Čermák, P., Šturm, P., Obstová, Z., & Hricsina, J. (2022). Glottalization and linking in the L2 speech of Czech learners of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. Second Language Research, 38(4), 941–963.
Bořil, T., Šturm, P., Skarnitzl, R., Hévrová, M., & Köpke, B. (2022). The effect of non-conclusive melodic rises on Czech speech sounding French. Linguistica Pragensia,1/2022,125–141. pdf
Nechanský, T., Bořil, T., Houzar, A., & Skarnitzl, R. (2022). The impact of mismatched recordings on an automatic-speaker-recognition system and human listeners. Acta Universitatis Carolinae – Philologica, 1/2022, 11–22. pdf
Houzar, A., & Skarnitzl, R. (2022). Intra- and inter-speaker variability of vowel space using three different formant extraction methods. Acta Universitatis Carolinae – Philologica, 1/2022, 83–95. pdf
San Segundo, E. & Skarnitzl, R. (2021). A Computer-based tool for the assessment of voice quality through Visual Analogue Scales: VAS-Simplified Vocal Profile Analysis. Journal of Voice, 35(3), 497.e9–497.e21. pdf
Machač, P. & Skarnitzl, R. (2020). Stability of phonetic features in Czech plosives in spontneous speech. Studie z aplikované lingvistiky, 11(2), 16–36.
Skarnitzl, R., Asiaee, M. & Nourbakhsh, M. (2019). Tuning the performance of automatic speaker
recognition in different conditions: Effects of language and simulated voice disguise. International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law, 26(2), 209–229.
Skarnitzl, R. & Rumlová, J. (2019). Phonetic aspects of strongly-accented Czech speakers of English. Acta Universitatis Carolinae – Philologica, 2/2019, 109–128. pdf
Bořil, T. & Skarnitzl, R. (2019). Discontinuities in fundamental frequency: When do they really matter in synthetic speech? Akustické listy, 25, 4–9. pdf
Tylečková, L. & Skarnitzl, R. (2019). The mapping of voice parameters in connected speech of healthy Common Czech male speakers. Akustické listy, 25, 10–18. pdf
Skarnitzl, R. (2018). Fonetická realizace slovního přízvuku u delších slov v češtině. Slovo a slovesnost, 79, 199–216.
Brabcová, K. & Skarnitzl, R. (2018). Foreign or native-like? The attitudes of Czech EFL learners towards accents of English and their use as pronunciation models. Studie z aplikované lingvistiky, 9, 38–50. pdf
Černá, M. & Skarnitzl, R. (2018). Fonetická transkripce a její využití v logopedické praxi. Listy klinické logopedie, 3, 3–9. pdf
Skarnitzl, R. (2018). Alofonická variabilita v češtině z pohledu řečové syntézy. Akustické listy, 24, 15–20.
Skarnitzl, R. & Šturm, P. (2017). Voicing assimilation in Czech and Slovak speakers of English: Interactions of segmental context, language and strength of foreign accent. Language and Speech, 60, 427–453.
Skarnitzl, R. & Vaňková, J. (2017). Fundamental frequency statistics for male speakers of Common Czech. Acta Universitatis Carolinae – Philologica 3, Phonetica Pragensia XIV, 7–17. pdf
Růžičková, A. & Skarnitzl, R. (2017). Voice disguise strategies in Czech male speakers. Acta Universitatis Carolinae – Philologica 3, Phonetica Pragensia XIV, 19–34. pdf
Tylečková, L., Prokopová, Z. & Skarnitzl, R. (2017). The effect of voice quality on hiring decisions. Acta Universitatis Carolinae – Philologica 3, Phonetica Pragensia XIV, 109–120. pdf
Skarnitzl, R. (2016). Co dokáže náš hlas? Fonetický pohled na variabilitu řečové produkce. Slovo a smysl, 26, 97–115. [What are our voices capable of? Phonetic perspective on the variability of speech production] pdf
Skarnitzl, R. & Šturm, P. (2016). Pre-fortis shortening in Czech English: A production and reaction-time study. Research in Language, 14, 1–14.
Berkovcová, Z., Černikovská, Š. & Skarnitzl, R. (2016). Vliv temporálních manipulací na vnímání kompetence mluvčího. Studie z aplikované lingvistiky, 7, 7–19. [Effect of temporal manipulations on the perception of speaker competence] pdf
Skarnitzl, R. (2014). O slovním přízvuku na jednoslabičných předložkách v češtině. Naše řeč, 97, 78–91. [On word stress on monosyllabic prepositions in Czech] pdf
Skarnitzl, R. & Šturm, P. (2014). Assimilation of voicing in Czech speakers of English: The effect of the degree of accentedness. Research in Language, 12, 199–208. pdf
Volín, J., Poesová, K. & Skarnitzl, R. (2014). The impact of rhythmic distortions in speech on personality assessment. Research in Language, 12, 209–216. pdf
Skarnitzl, R. (2013). Asymmetry in the Czech alveolar stops: An EPG study. AUC Philologica 1/2014, Phonetica Pragensia XIII, 101–112. pdf
Skarnitzl, R. & Bartošová, P. (2013). Výzkum lingvální artikulace pomocí elektropalatografie na příkladu českých palatálních exploziv. Naše řeč, 96, 246–258. [Investigating lingual articulation using electropalatography: Czech palatal plosives] pdf
Volín, J., Weingartová, L. & Skarnitzl, R. (2013). Spectral characteristics of schwa in Czech accented English. Research in Language, 11, 31–39. pdf
Lukeš, D., Fejlová, D. & Skarnitzl, R. (2013). Variability of Czech alveolar plosives: A locus equation perspective. AUC Philologica 1/2014, Phonetica Pragensia XIII, 21–31. pdf
Skarnitzl, R. (2012). Dvojí i v české výslovnosti. Naše řeč, 95, 141–153. [Two kinds of i in the pronunciation of Czech] pdf
Skarnitzl, R. & Volín, J. (2012). Referenční hodnoty vokalických formantů pro mladé dospělé mluvčí standardní češtiny. Akustické listy, 18, 7–11. [Reference values of vowel formants for young adult seakers of Standard Czech] pdf, accompanying webpage in English
Skarnitzl, R. & Machač, P. (2012). Míra rušivosti parazitních zvuků v řeči mediálních mluvčích. Naše řeč, 95, 3–14. [The degree of instrusiveness of parasitic sounds in media speech]
Volín, J., Uhrinová, M. & Skarnitzl, R. (2012). The effect of word-initial glottalization on word monitoring in Slovak speakers of English. Research in Language, 10, 173–181. pdf
Matoušek, J., Skarnitzl, R., Tihelka, D. & Machač, P. (2012). Removing preglottalization from unit-selection synthesis: Towards the linguistic naturalness of synthetic Czech speech. IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, 39, 123–130. pdf
Heranová, J. & Skarnitzl, R. (2011). Využití harmonicity při fonetické segmentaci řeči. Akustické listy, 17, 3–9. [Using harmonicity for the phonetic segmentation of speech] pdf
Skarnitzl, R. (2010). Prague Phonetic Corpus: status report. AUC Philologica 1/2009, Phonetica Pragensia XII, 65–67.
Volín, J. & Skarnitzl, R. (2010). The strength of foreign accent in Czech English under adverse listening conditions. Speech Communication, 52, 1010–1021.
Skarnitzl, R. & Machač, P. (2010). Domain-initial coordination of phonation and articulation in Czech radio speech. Acta Universitatis Carolinae – Philologica 1/2009, Phonetica Pragensia XII, 21–35. pdf
Skarnitzl, R. (2008). Vowel nasalance in Czech and English. AUC Philologica 2/2007, Phonetica Pragensia XI, 131–143.
Duběda, T. & Skarnitzl, R. (2004). Prosodic analysis and manipulation demonstrated on the Praat software. Akustické listy, 10(1), 12–17.
Skarnitzl, R., & Bořil, T. (2024). Training English prosody with manipulated voices: Can both intermediate and advanced learners benefit? In: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Applied Phonetics (ISAPh 2024), 94–99. pdf
Houzar, A., Nechanský, T., & Skarnitzl, R. (2023). The effect of targeted voice manipulations on long-term acoustic characteristics. In: Proceedings of the 20th ICPhS, 3857–3861.
Čtvrtečková, L., Fischer, O., & Skarnitzl, R. (2023). Pronunciation of Czech secondary school English teachers and their cognition about pronunciation. In: A. Henderson & A. Kirkova-Naskova (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on English Pronunciation: Issues and Practices, 31–45. link
Kalvodová, L., & Skarnitzl, R. (2023). Production and perception aspects of weak forms in Czech-accented English. In: A. Henderson & A. Kirkova-Naskova (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on English Pronunciation: Issues and Practices, 108–121. link
Volín, J., & Skarnitzl, R. (2022). The impact of prosodic position on post-stress rise in three genres of Czech. In: Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2022, 505–509. pdf
Šturm, P., Skarnitzl, R., & Nechanský, T. (2021). Prosodic accommodation in face-to-face and telephone dialogues. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2021, 1444–1448. pdf
Volín, J. & Skarnitzl, R. (2020). Accent-groups vs. stress-groups in Czech clear and conversational speech. In: Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2020, 695–699. pdf
Skarnitzl, R. (2020). Becoming a Pronunciation Teacher (review). Studie z aplikované lingvistiky, 11(2), 90–93.
Skarnitzl, R. & Volín, J. (2019). The effect of durational cues on the reassignment of a syllable in the metrical structure of Czech sentences. In: Proceedings of the 19th ICPhS, 2891–2895. pdf
Niebuhr, O. & Skarnitzl, R. (2019). Measuring a speaker’s acoustic correlates of pitch – but which? A contrastive analysis for perceived speaker charisma. In: Proceedings of the 19th ICPhS, 1774–1778. pdf
Chládková, K., Černá, M., Paillereau, N., Skarnitzl, R. & Oceláková, Z. (2019). Prenatal infant-directed speech: vowels and voice quality. In: Proceedings of the 19th ICPhS, 1525–1529. pdf
Asiaee, M., Nourbakhsh, M. & Skarnitzl, R. (2018). Coronal stops in Persian: An electropalatographic study. In: M. Nourbakhsh, H. Asadi & M. Asiaee (Eds.), Proceedings of the First International Conference on Laboratory Phonetics and Phonology, 37–44. Tehran: Neveesh Parsi Publications.
Niebuhr, O., Skarnitzl, R. & Tylečková, L. (2018). The acoustic fingerprint of a charismatic voice – Initial evidence from correlations between long-term spectral features and listener ratings. In: Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2018, 359–363. pdf
Průchová, T., Růžičková, A. & Skarnitzl, R. (2018). Description of voices by naïve listeners: Does guided instruction help? In: Proceedings of IAFPA 2018.
Nechanský, T. & Skarnitzl, R. (2018). Filled pauses as forensic parameters: Individual and cross-accent variation in Czech. In: Proceedings of IAFPA 2018.
Skarnitzl, R. & Eriksson, A. (2017). The acoustics of word stress in Czech as a function of speaking style. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2017, 3221–3225. pdf
Bořil, T., Šturm, P., Skarnitzl, R. & Volín, J. (2017). Effect of formant and F0 discontinuity on perceived vowel duration: Impacts for concatenative speech synthesis. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2017, 2998–3002. pdf
Jůzová, M., Tihelka, D. & Skarnitzl, R. (2017). Last syllable unit penalization in unit selection TTS. In: K. Ekštein & V. Matoušek (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue, 317–325. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Skarnitzl, R. & Růžičková, A. (2017). The malleability of speech production: An examination of sophisticated voice disguise. In: Proceedings of IAFPA 2017.
Bořil, T. & Skarnitzl, R. (2016). Tools rPraat and mPraat: Interfacing phonetic analyses with signal processing. In: P. Sojka, A. Horák, I. Kopeček a K. Pala (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue, 367–374. Cham: Springer International Publishing. manuscript pdf
Skarnitzl, R. & Vaňková, J. (2016). Population statistics of Common Czech: F0 in multi-style tasks and voice disguise strategies. In: Proceedings of IAFPA 2016.
Skarnitzl, R. (2015). Česko-německý workshop o řečové komunikaci. Časopis pro moderní filologii, 97, 225–226.
Skarnitzl, R., Vaňková, J. & Nechanský, T. (2015). Speaker discrimination using formant trajectories from casework recordings: Can LDA do it? In: Proceedings of the 18th ICPhS, paper 207. pdf
Vaňková, J. & Skarnitzl, R. (2014). Within- and between-speaker variability of parameters expressing short-term voice quality. In: Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2014, 1081–1085. pdf
Vaňková, J., Bořil, T. & Skarnitzl, R. (2014). Stability of short-term voice quality parameters in GSM. In: Proceedings of IAFPA 2014.
Skarnitzl, R., Šturm, P. & Machač, P. (2013). The phonological voicing contrast in Czech: An EPG study of phonated and whispered fricatives. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2013, 3191–3195. pdf
Fejlová, D., Lukeš, D. & Skarnitzl, R. (2013). Formant contours in Czech vowels: Speaker-discriminating potential. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2013, 3182–3186. pdf
Skarnitzl, R., Vaňková, J. & Weingartová, L. (2012). Speaker discrimination using short- and long-term segmental information in vowels. In: Proceedings of IAFPA 2012.
Legát, M. & Skarnitzl, R. (2012). The role of nasal contexts on quality of vowel concatenations. In: P. Sojka, A. Horák, I. Kopeček a K. Pala (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue, 551–558. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag. pdf
Tihelka, D., Hanzlíček, Z., Machač, P., Skarnitzl, R. & Matoušek J. (2012). On the impact of labialization contexts on unit selection speech synthesis. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, 187–192.
Matoušek, J., Skarnitzl, R., Tihelka, D. & Machač, P. (2011). Towards linguistic naturalness of synthetic speech. In: Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science, 561–566.
Šturm, P. & Skarnitzl, R. (2011). The open front vowel /æ/ in the production and perception of Czech students of English. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2011, 1161–1164. pdf
Volín, J. & Skarnitzl, R. (2010). Suprasegmental acoustic cues of foreignness in Czech English. In: Odyssey 2010: The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop, 271–278. Brno: VUT. pdf
Zíková, M. & Skarnitzl R. (2010). Prosodic aspects of the Czech demonstrative pronoun “ten”. In: R. Vích (Ed.), 20th Czech-German Workshop – Speech Processing, 29–33. Praha: ÚFE AV ČR.
Skarnitzl, R. (2009). Challenges in segmenting the Czech lateral liquid. In: A. Esposito a R. Vích (Eds.), Cross-Modal Analysis of Speech, Gestures, Gaze and Facial Expressions, 162–172. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 5641. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
Podlipský, V. J., Skarnitzl, R. & Volín, J. (2009). High front vowels in Czech: A contrast in quantity or quality? In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2009, 132–135. pdf
Skarnitzl, R. & Machač, P. (2009). Kohlerovy úvodníky a vize české fonetiky. Naše řeč, 92, 263–267.
Machač, P. & Skarnitzl, R. (2009). Phonetic analysis of parasitic speech sounds. In: Vích, R. (Ed.), 19th Czech-German Workshop – Speech Processing, 61–68.
Matoušek, J., Skarnitzl, R., Machač, P. & Trmal, J. (2009). Identification and automatic detection of parasitic speech sounds. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2009, 876–879. pdf
Skarnitzl, R. (2008). Koartikulační vliv nazálních konsonantů na jejich segmentální okolí v češtině a v angličtině. Praha: Fonetický ústav FF UK. (nepublikovaná disertační práce)
Skarnitzl, R. (2008). Nazalita v řeči rozhlasových moderátorů. Čeština doma a ve světě, 1-2/2008, 97–102. [Nasality in the speech of radio newsreaders]
Skarnitzl, R. & Poesová, K. (2008). Typology of voicing changes in Czech English. In: A. Grmelová, L. Dušková, M. Farrell a R. Pípalová (Eds.), Plurality and Diversity in English Studies – Proceedings from the Third Prague Conference on Linguistics and Literary Studies, 8–17. Praha: PedF UK.
Volín, J., Skarnitzl, R., Machač, P., Janoušková, J. & Veroňková, J. (2008). Reliabilita a validita popisných kategorií v Pražském fonetickém korpusu. In: Kopřivová, M. & Waclawičová, M. (Eds.), Čeština v mluveném korpusu, 249–254. Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny / Ústav českého národního korpusu.
Pollák, P., Volín, J. & Skarnitzl, R. (2008). Phone segmentation tool with integrated pronunciation lexicon and Czech phonetically labelled Reference Database. In: Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, vol. 1, 1–5.
Volín, J. & Skarnitzl, R. (2007). Temporal downtrends in Czech read speech. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2007, 442–445. pdf
Pollák, P., Volín, J. & Skarnitzl, R. (2007). HMM-based phonetic segmentation in Praat environment. In: Proceedings of XIIth “Speech and Computer – SPECOM 2007”, 537–541.
Pollák, P., Volín, J. & Skarnitzl, R. (2007). Accuracy analysis of phonetic segmentation with multiple word-pronunciation variants and segmentation tool in Praat environment. In: R. Vích (Ed.), 17th Czech-German Workshop – Speech Processing, 37–42.
Machač, P. & Skarnitzl, R. (2007). Temporal compensation in Czech? In: Proceedings of the 16th ICPhS, 537–540. pdf
Machač, P., Skarnitzl, R. & Volín, J. (2007). Inter-labeller agreement in segmental boundary placement. In: R. Vích (Ed.), 17th Czech-German Workshop – Speech Processing, 57–61.
Volín, J., Hedbávná, B., Janoušková, J., Machač, P., Palková, Z., Skarnitzl, R., Studenovský, D. & Veroňková, J. (2007). Poznání za mřížemi. Naše řeč, 68, 261–266.
Volín, J. & Skarnitzl, R. (2006). Fonologická výjimečnost české znělé labiodentály. In: Palková, Z. & Janoušková, J. (Eds.), Kapitoly z fonetiky a fonologie slovanských jazyků, 253–268. Praha: FF UK. [Phonological exclusiveness of the Czech voiced labiodental] pdf
Volín, J. & Skarnitzl, R. (2006). K nevyhraněnosti vlastností české labiodentální frikativy. In: Pořízka, P. & Polách, V. P. (Eds.), Tzv. základní výzkum v lingvistice – desideratum, nebo realis?, 308–314. Olomouc: FF UP.
Pollák, P., Volín, J. & Skarnitzl, R. (2006). Analysis of glottal stop presence in large speech corpus and influence of its modelling on segmentation accuracy. In: Vích, R. (Ed.), 16th Czech-German Workshop – Speech Technology, 23–28.
Skarnitzl, R. (2005). English word stress in the perception of Czech listeners. In: Čermák, J., Klégr, A., Malá, M. & Šaldová, P. (Eds.), Patterns, A Festschrift for Libuše Dušková, 183–194. Praha: Kruh moderních filologů.
Skarnitzl, R. (2005). Symmetricity of Czech vowel-nasal and nasal-vowel transitions in separated oral-nasal recordings. In: Vích, R. (Ed.), Electronic Speech Signal Processing, Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation: Band 36, Proceedings of the 16th Conference joined with the 15th Czech-German Workshop “Speech Processing”, 68–75. Dresden: Verlag der Wissenschaften.
Skarnitzl, R. (2005). Nasality in Speech. ATE Newsletter, 16(1), 30–33.
Skarnitzl, R. & Volín, J. (2005). Czech voiced labiodental continuant discrimination from basic acoustic data. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2005, 2921–2924. pdf
Skarnitzl, R., Volín, J. & Drenková, L. (2005). Tangibility of foreign accents in speech: The case of Czech English. In: Grmelová, A., Dušková, L. & Farrell, M. (Eds.), 2nd Prague Conference on Linguistics and Literary Studies Proceedings, 11–20. Praha: PedF UK.
Volín, J. & Skarnitzl, R. (2005). Vybrané dynamické a melodické vlastnosti spojky ‘a’ v češtině a v angličtině. In: P. Pořízka & V. P. Polách (Eds.), Jazyky v kontaktu / jazyky v konfliktu a evropský jazykový prostor, 347–352. Olomouc: FF UPOL.
Volín, J., Skarnitzl, R. & Pollák, P. (2005). Confronting HMM-based phone labelling with human evaluation of speech production. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2005, 1541–1544.
Pollák, P., Volín, J. & Skarnitzl, R. (2005). Influence of HMM’s parameters on the accuracy of phone segmentation – Evaluation baseline. In: Vích, R. (Ed.), Electronic Speech Signal Processing, Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation: Band 36, Proceedings of the 16th Conference joined with the 15th Czech-German Workshop “Speech Processing”, 302–309. Dresden: Verlag der Wissenschaften.
Machač, P. & Skarnitzl, R. (2005). Spectral moments of Czech plosives. In: Fuchs, S., Zygis, M. & Toda, M. (Eds.), Conference on Turbulences proceedings, 20–22. Berlin: ZAS.
Skarnitzl, R. (2004). Acoustic properties of the glottal stop before the Czech conjunction “a”. In: Vích, R. (Ed.), 13th Czech-German Workshop – Speech Processing, 73–77. Praha: ÚFE AVČR.
Skarnitzl, R. (2004). Acoustic categories of nonmodal phonation in the context of the Czech conjunction “a”. In: Palková, Z. & Veroňková, J. (Eds.), AUC Philologica 1/2004, Phonetica Pragensia X, str. 57-68. Praha: Karolinum.
Skarnitzl, R. (2004). Fonotaktické chování velární nazály v české angličtině. In. T. Duběda (Ed.), Konference česko-slovenské pobočky ISPhS 2004, 75–83.
Skarnitzl, R. (2004). A guide to simple transcribing. ATE Newsletter, 15(1), 47–50.
Machač, P. & Skarnitzl, R. (2004). Selected acoustic properties of the Czech palatal plosives. In: Vích, R. (Ed.), 13th Czech-German Workshop – Speech Processing, 29–35. Praha: ÚFE AVČR.
Palková, Z., Veroňková, J., Volín, J. & Skarnitzl, R. (2004). Stabilizace některých termínů pro fonetický popis češtiny v závislosti na nových výsledcích výzkumu. In. Duběda, T. (Ed.), Konference česko-slovenské pobočky ISPhS 2004, 65–74. Praha: FF UK. pdf
Volín, J. & Skarnitzl, R. (2003). Building transcription skills. ATE Newsletter, 14(1), 29–32.
Skarnitzl, R. (2002). Pronunciation practice overview in current textbooks of English. ATE Newsletter, 13(2), 45–51.
Skarnitzl, R. (2001). Teaching and Learning the English Dental Fricatives in the Czech Environment. Praha: Pedagogická fakulta UK (nepublikovaná diplomová práce)
Skarnitzl, R. (2024). Modifications of learners’ prosody: why and how? Plenary talk at the conference English Pronunciation: Issues & Practices (EPIP 8), Santander, Spain, May 9, 2024.
Červinková Poesová, K. & Skarnitzl, R. (2019). Schwa-tegration: vowel reduction at the heart of pronunciation teaching. Workshop at the conference The road to pron-tegration: tips, tricks and techniques to expand your pronunciation practice, Glasgow, October 26, 2019.
Skarnitzl, R. (2019). Communication across accents: Implicit attitudes to speech. Invited lecture at the ICCAGE (Intercultural Communicative Competence: A Competitive Advantage for Global Employability) conference, Praha, June 14, 2019.
Skarnitzl, R. (2018). Implicit socio-psychological attitudes to speech. Invited lecture at the First International Conference on Laboratory Phonetics and Phonology, Tehran, November 14, 2018.
Skarnitzl, R. (2017). The Question of Credibility: Social Consequences of Sounding Foreign. Invited lecture at the conference Society on the move: Socio-cognitive and historical aspects of human interaction, Prague, April 11, 2017.
Skarnitzl, R. (2017). The Lack of Trust: Social Effects of Foreign Accents. Talk at the conference ICCAGE (Intercultural Communicative Competence: A Competitive Advantage for Global Employability), Prague, June 22, 2017.
Skarnitzl, R. (2016). How is the Speaker’s Identity Reflected in the Speech Signal? Invited lecture at the Summer school Gesprochene Sprache in der Romania: Von der Theorie zur Empirie in Vienna, August 5, 2016.
Skarnitzl, R. (2008). Perception of speech under adverse conditions – overview. Invited lecture for the Prague S2S Workshop – speech in adverse conditions, September 8, 2008.
2024 – 2026: Prosodic expression of utterance information structure in Czech (team member)
2021 – 2023: Prosodic Phrase in Current Spoken Czech: Meaning, Balance, Stochastic Patterns (team member)
2021 – 2023: Faking voice identity: phonetic analysis and speaker identification (project mentor)
2018 – 2023: Creativity and Adaptability as Conditions for the Success of Europe in an Interrelated World (team member)
2016 – 2018: Combining phonetic and corpus-based approaches to remedy disruptive effects in synthetic speech (Co-Investigator)
2012 – 2016: Effect of group variability factors on the perception of speaker personality (team member)
2014 – 2015: Cognitive load in processing speech with foreign accent (team member)
2012 – 2014: Speaker-specific characteristics in Czech and their potential applicability in forensic phonetic practice (Principal Investigator)
2012 – 2013: Articulatory analysis of Czech speechsounds, speechsound combinations, and of articulatory reductions (team member)
2019 – 2011: New innovative methods for high-quality synthesis of Czech speech (team member)
2007 – 2011: Sound to Sense (team member)
2005 – 2007: Notions of phonetic description in relation to acoustic, perceptual and articulatory characteristics of speech (team member)
For the phonetics study programme, I teach introductory BA-level courses (Articulatory Phonetics, Methodology of Phonetic Research), as well as more advanced courses (Sociophonetics, Forensic Phonetics, Principles of Experimental Design). I also teach courses of English Phonetics and Phonology for students of English and American Studies.