Zveme zájemce na přednášku nazvanou Vocative intonation in Bulgarian, kterou 4. prosince od 11:30 přednese prof. Bistra Andreeva z Universität des Saarlandes v místnosti č. 16. Srdečně Vás na ni zveme. Abstrakt přednášky:
The study investigates vocative intonation in Bulgarian. Nine female native speakers of Standard Bulgarian produce 3 repetitions of 10 names, 2 to 4 syllables long, with final or penultimate stress in 4 different scenarios within a Discourse Completion Task in order to elicit neutral vocative, insistent vocative, challenging chant and vocative chant. We find that speakers make both consistent and variable tune choices, with some using identical tunes across scenarios and others employing different tunes within the same scenario. If there is insufficient segmental material, speakers employ diverse strategies in the realization of the two chants, adding syllables or truncating the final part of the tune. In [-long] vocative tunes, non-high vowels in unstressed positions undergo raising without merging with their higher counterparts. In [+long] tunes, however, the final (posttonic) vowel does not undergo reduction, which contradicts the phonological vowel reduction pattern in Bulgarian, but is in line with findings for other languages. The study enhances the understanding of the interplay between phonetics and phonology in vocative intonation in different pragmatic contexts.